The Potential Problems Caused by Flat Feet and How to Resolve Them


Work with Dr. Douglas Robinson of Foot Health Center if You Need Treatment for Flat Feet in Campbell, CA

What Are Flat Feet?

Chronic foot pain can be symptomatic of various conditions. After learning more about those conditions, you may find that none match the issue you’re experiencing. If that’s the case, the underlying cause of your discomfort may be flat feet.

As you’ve probably guessed, flat feet are characterized by the lack of arches in your feet. Your soles may lie flat when you sit on the ground.

It’s important to note that having flat feet is far from unusual. Most people get the arches in their feet during childhood, but others never do. The persistence of flat feet likely has a genetic component. However, some people also develop flat feet as adults. If you developed flat feet later in life, chances are you developed an injury or illness that changed the structure of your feet.

Specific injuries known to cause flat feet typically involve the Achilles tendon. Breaking bones in your feet may also alter its structure. Meanwhile, conditions such as cerebral palsy, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis can increase your chances of developing flat feet.

You don’t have to seek treatment even if you have flat feet as an adult. Treatment only becomes necessary if your flat feet are causing pain, stiffness, or weakness. Some folks may also require treatment if they have trouble maintaining their balance.

After partnering with Dr. Douglas Robinson of Foot Health Center, receive expert treatment for your flat feet in Campbell, CA.

How Will Your Podiatrist Treat Your Flat Feet?

Treatments for flat feet are focused more on alleviating symptoms than changing the structure of your feet.

Dr. Douglas Robinson may teach you exercises to strengthen and mobilize your flat feet. The strengthening exercises are helpful because they can improve your coordination. The stretching exercises are especially beneficial for your Achilles tendon. By making that tendon more flexible, you can effectively eliminate the pain caused by your flat feet.

Strength and flexibility exercises can work wonders for your symptoms. Orthotics can help you enjoy longer relief from those symptoms. Orthotics can change the positioning of your feet inside your shoes to prevent excessive strain on your Achilles tendon and muscles. Get your custom orthotics from Dr. Robinson to ensure their effectiveness.

Surgery is an option for addressing flat feet, but your podiatrist may only recommend it if other treatments fail to deliver results.

Dial (408) 370-3338 to schedule flat feet treatments in Campbell, CA, with Dr. Douglas Robinson of Foot Health Center.